速報APP / 遊戲 / EasyAction-pulling vegetables

EasyAction-pulling vegetables





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目17-3 渋谷アイビスビル9F

EasyAction-pulling vegetables(圖1)-速報App

" Pulling action ! " Which can be anytime, anywhere

The crazy pulling the vegetables and aim to become a high score !

EasyAction-pulling vegetables(圖2)-速報App

Easy is a free free games in operation !

Operation is only pulling toward the top of vegetables who come out on the screen !

EasyAction-pulling vegetables(圖3)-速報App

Let's touch the full and pooled with the Hikkonuki button !

[ Game introduction]

EasyAction-pulling vegetables(圖4)-速報App

▼ operation Easy

Just pull it toward the top of vegetables who come out on the screen !

EasyAction-pulling vegetables(圖5)-速報App

▼ To Kimero Hikkonuki button !

If you unplug a certain number only steamed vegetables , because it Hikkonuki button comes out , a split second if you come out , and trying to touch !

EasyAction-pulling vegetables(圖6)-速報App

▼ Story

If you try to eat the vegetables of vogue recently , When I grow vegetables us , you've grown up than expected !

EasyAction-pulling vegetables(圖7)-速報App

Vineyard Let macro pull the vegetables us before they become full of vegetables ! !

+++ [ Development members ] +++

EasyAction-pulling vegetables(圖8)-速報App

Designer: Mitsuko

Planning and program : Caution

EasyAction-pulling vegetables(圖9)-速報App

Use sound source : maoudamashii
